Saturday, 12 January 2013

DIY fried rice

This will be my very first time blogging about how to cook. Fyi I don't really know how to cook. But cincai cincai one I know lar. Put some oil and then throw whatever ingredients into the wok and then fry fry fry, DONE.......? :D 
When I was a kid, I used to stand aside, look at my mom while she was cooking. It looks FUN !
Last time, my cousins and I will play 'masak masak' during Mooncake festival. Lighting up the candles between 2 bricks, placing an unused stainless steel plate on top of it, picking some grass/leaves/petals, throwing them into the plate and then 'cook' like a boss LOL I know many of you did the same thing right?

Time flies, I'm no longer a kid. humans are strange/犯贱 LOL Why do i said so? When I was young I would like to learn cooking. but now I don't feel like wanting to touch any of the kitchen utensils :/
俗语说:女人要入得厨房,出得厅堂。 I've failed >_<
okay~ crap too much already LOL. Back to the point. To be honest, today's post is actually about someone who fried rice for me while I was responsible for capturing photos of the ingredients and here I'll explain the steps on how to fry rice LOL Let's start..... 
First of all, ingredients to be prepared include:
- rice
- oil
- onion
- garlic
- eggs
- pepper
- soy sauce

Referring to the picture above, put the egg, pepper and soy sauce in a bowl and stir. 

Fry the onion, followed by garlic, then the egg as well (you can scramble it or leave it whole). After that, it's time to throw in the rice. It's important to note that if you have extra ingredients at home, feel free to include them as well, for example dried shrimps, prawns, sausages etc to enhance the flavour, and appeal to your taste buds. :D But whatever it is, rice comes last. 

According to your preference, add whatever sauce you like but soy sauce is a must, unless you're living a very healthy lifestyle and is ok with rather bland tastes. 
*The sesame oil is used to fry the egg ONLY. Never tried frying rice with it but from my experience, it's best if we use plain cooking oil, or butter if you're generous enough; believe me the extra cost pays off rather well. ;)

And there you have it, a few simple steps to get yourself a plate of fried rice. For pros out there this might seem too easy but I guess there are those out there who could use some guidance on how to cook as well. Hope you enjoy the process and of course, the end result. Don't give up if you don't get it the first time though, it gets better with practice. Y(^.^)Y

*Stay Tuned*

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